Thinking of discovering Dubai by way of driving all over the place? This would really be a splendid idea, especially for those who are passionate about new experiences and adventures!
Our agency invites you to enjoy the beauty and technological advantages of the best cars in the world while your stay in one of the best world cities. Paddock Luxury Car Rental will allow you to kill these two birds with one stone in the most comfortable and easy way, because it truly offers a phenomenal variety of modern, insured, and well-maintained vehicles.
Why not to get a bang out of one of our hottest acquisitions, a gorgeous and dynamic Lamborgini Huracan STO 2022 that offers a bunch of super qualities at the super competitive rates ever charged for this particular model? Its looks, equipment, and performance are screaming of independence, excitement, and well-being.
This will allow you to meet and make friends with the car’s throaty V10 engine, able to develop nothing less than 631 horsepower and 417 lb-ft of torque. For good measure, it all is paired with a seven-speed double-clutch auto transmission that transfers the power to the car’s rear axle. As a result, the model can easily reach an incredible 62 mph in only 3 seconds! What else is there to need?
The 2022 Huracan STO offers an elaborate interior created to prioritize the car’s performance over all other considerations. Nevertheless, it gives its two occupants enough comfort to enjoy its carbon-fiber accents, a rather comfortable seating, and a sports-car-adjusted display letting you see what you want to see, which includes Googe Earth navigation, Bluetooth, 3-D computer graphics, and plenty more than that.
These are the key aspects of this car popularity, which make it real fun to drive. If you feel like trying the Huracan STO while in Dubai, it would be a good idea to pre-order it today – as this is a model that doesn't stay available for very long!
But if you are not ready, take your time and have a look at other similar options that can quickly be found on our car-hiring platform. And bear in mind that your final price might be greatly reduced thanks to our frequent discounts and promotions!
Apart from the online booking, the car might also be ordered by phone or in person. Before contacting us, you may review our Rent Lamborghini Dubai page that has a list of all the available Lamborghini cars. Alternatively, just dial +971 4 383 96 96 and ask anything you’d like to know. Our friendly multicultural team is always ready to help, tell, and show you our cars, whether at rest or in action, including a free test-drive of this or any other vehicle we have.